Tea Tips: How to Make The Perfect Tea Latte

Tea Tips: How to Make The Perfect Tea Latte
I think it’s pretty safe to say that a lot of people love tea! But what if you’re looking for an easy way to elevate your tea game? All you have to do is look no farther than a delicious tea latte. It’s more simple to make than you would think and only requires between 2 to 3 ingredients. Tea, a milk variety of your choice and a sweetener of your choice! 
Photo cred: https://www.ohhowcivilized.com
Let’s get started!
What tea should you use for a latte? The great news is almost any variety of tea can be made into a latte!
Our top picks for tea lattes include our selection of London Calling, Cream of Earl Grey, Cha Cha Chai or our Organic Matcha!
Step 1
Steep two scoops of your desired tea, following the brewing instructions on the package.
Step 2
While the tea is steeping it’s time to froth the milk! The easiest way is to heat the milk until warm in a very small saucepan ensuring that you do not allow it to come to a boil. From there, froth it by using either a handheld milk frother or a French Press.
Step 3
Once the tea is brewed, discard tea leaves and stir in your sweetener of choice! We highly recommend our varieties of organic honey which you can find here. (organic honey)
Step 4
Pour your tea into your favorite mug, leaving a bit of space for the milk, and then top with your freshly frothed milk! 
Photo cred: tasteslovely.com
And voila! It’s really that simple!

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